hafal surat Al Waqiah

by jalan hijrah

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Word of the Prophet s.a.w .: "Anybody read surah Al-Waqiah every day, he will not be overwritten ind...

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Word of the Prophet s.a.w .: "Anybody read surah Al-Waqiah every day, he will not be overwritten indigence."Word of the Prophet s.a.w. "Who read surah Al-Waqiah every night, he would not be in distress or poverty forever. (Reported by Baihaqi from Ibn Masud r.a.)Word of the Prophet s.a.w. "Teach surah Al-Waqiah to wives. Because in fact it is the surah of Wealth. "(Hadith Ibnu Ady)Word of the Prophet s.a.w. "Those who read Surah Al-Waqiah every night then he will not be affected by indigence and poverty forever. And surah surah Al-Waqiah is wealth, then recite it and teach them to your children all. "Efficacy and Virtue Reading Surat Al Waqiah For Sustenance & Wealth1. The Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever is readingsurat Al Waqiah her every day. Then he will not overridewith indigence.2. The Rasulullah SAW said: Teach was a letter Al Waqiahto isteriisteri mu. Because the real Surat Al Waqiahis a letter wealth. (From the Hadith Ibnu Ady).3. The Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever is readingsurat Al Waqiah every night. Then he will not overrideselamalamanya poverty and distress. (Narratedby Baihaqi from Ibn Masud r.a).4. The Rasulullah SAW said: For those who read the letter alWaqiah every night. Then he will not be crushedpoverty and distress forever. Because the letter Al Waqiaha wealth sura, then read it teach toall your children.5. Imam Jafar Sadiq sa Ash said: For anyone diligentread Al Waqiah time Friday night, he will be loved byGod, loved by humans, and did not see poverty,misery, needs, as well as the worlds ills. This letteris part of the Commander Mukimin sa friend who likehe has a privilege not tertandingan byother. (Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn 5/203).6. Ubay bin Kab said that Rasulullah SAW said: Forwho read the letter al Waqiah. So he recorded nobelonging to the orang2 negligent. (Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).7. Abdullah bin Masud said that Rasulullah SAW said:: For those who read the letter al Waqiah. Then he will nothis poverty stricken over. (Of Tafsir Nur Ats Tsaqalayn5/203).8. Imam Baihaqi narrated from Ibn Mas ud said: Iheard Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever readssurat Al Waqiah every night. Then he will not be crushedpoverty.9. ad Dailamiy from Anas that the Rasulullah SAW said. :Surat Al Waqiah a wealth letter, read itand teach your children right at all.10. Ash Imam Jafar Sadiq sa said: Whosoeverheaven and characteristics have been missed. Then read surah AlThis Waqiah, and for those who want to see the properties of hell, thenAsSajadah read the letter. (Tsawabul Amal page 117).11. Imam Muhammad Al Baqir sa said: For anyone readingsurat Al Waqiah going to want to sleep. He will meet withGod in a state of his face like a full moon.(Tsawabul Amal on page 117).12. If the eternal reciting surat Al Waqiah at night.Then they will be kept out of poverty.13. If the reading of Surah Al Waqiah minimum of 14 afterAsr prayer on a regular basis. Then they will gainabundant wealth.14. If the reading of Surah Al Waqiah sebanyal 41 every day thenall the hunger associated with the provision would be granted andfulfilled.15. If read Al Waqiah minimum of 40 times onevery night for 40 consecutive days. then surelysustenance will be flowing.Hopefully this app useful, please leave a comment for this application